Parent's testimonial

Ms. Liu is a fabulous teacher. My seven year old daughter has taken Chinese lesson with Ms. Liu since April. Ms. Liu has made Chinese learning fun for my daughter. She is always looking forward to attend the class every week. She would hate to miss a class if we have to be out of town for vacation. Ms. Liu is also a caring teacher. She cares so much that the kids can truly learn and retain the recognition of Chinese characters in long term memory by not only using the textbook but also taking tremendous effort in preparing an abundant array of supplemental learning materials such as songs, poems, short stories, fun games and music plays. I am surprised to learn that my daughter is still able to recognize 70 to 90% of the lesson characters after three months. There was once a four-year old student who would always cry when mom left him in the classroom. But, I could never forget the scene when I picked up my daughter that day. Ms. Liu was holding the little boy in her lap. Her patience and her love for the kids deeply touched my heart. I am very grateful that my daughter is in good hand not only learning a difficult language but also has a great teacher role model in life. I just cannot say enough good about this teacher but to say our deepest appreciations for the blessings she has brought into a young child's life.
(Grace - Valerie's mom)

我們的孩子已經五周歲了。以前很想給他找一個老師學習中文,以保持華人的傳統文化,可惜沒有機會。偶然從星島中文電台聽到 We Learn Chinese 節目,給我們介紹了劉老師。這樣,從今年3 月,我們的孩子開始到劉老師處上中文課。

